In September of 1859, the entire Earth was engulfed in a gigantic cloud of seething gas, and a blood-red aurora erupted across the planet from the poles to the tropics. Around the world, telegraph systems crashed, machines burst into flames, and electric shocks rendered operators unconscious. Compasses and other sensitive instruments reeled as if struck by a massive magnetic fist. For the first time, people began to suspect that the Earth was not isolated from the rest of the universe. However, nobody knew what could have released such strange forces upon the Earth--nobody, that is, except the amateur English astronomer Richard Carrington.(from Princeton University Press catalog entry on The Sun Kings: The Unexpected Tragedy of Richard Carrington and the Tale of How Modern Astronomy Began, by Stuart Clark.)
Greenie Watch (John Ray) comments on the above: "Imagine the impact of such an event on our electronically connected society today."
Today's outspoken astronomers talk about plasma physics and the electric universe. makes a good starting point for learning about the subject and has daily updates to continue learning once you get into it. Just as happened to Richard Carrington, no one believes them, not even other astronomers. This despite their supporting the same science that he did, which the world supposedly accepted in the 19th century. Geocentric presumptions say that the Earth and the celestial spheres have different forces working in them and the twain shall never meet. Mainstream popular astronomers claim to think non-geocentrically, but they never consider anything but the forces of gravity and magnetism and think that the force of electricity only occurs, out of all places in the universe, in thunderstorms on Earth.
When the forces of the solar system come down to the surface of Earth again en masse, which they haven't done since the invention of transistors, civilization as we know it, relying on transistors, very vulnerable to electric surges and static electricity, will come to an immediate standstill. Only those who have prepared with vacuum-tube and mechanical equipment or never adopted civilization in the first place will survive.